
Bahaya obat

Dewasa ini obat sudah menjadi "sahabat sejati" kehidupan manusia. Ini dibuktikan dengan adanya perdagangan obat yang semakin marak, karena manusia semakin tergantung dengan obat-obatan. Baik obat-obatan legal yang begitu mahal maupun yang ilegal dengan harga lebih miring tetapi tanpa melalu uji kelayakan.
Zaman sekarang, apabila orang merasa sakit ia segera pergi ke dokter untuk berobat dengan harapan segera sembuh dan dapat beraktivitas kembali. Dan apabila belum segera sembuh, ia kembali ke dokter dan meminta dosis obat ditambah agar segera sembuh.
apabila ini trus terjadi, tanpa disadari dapat merusak ginjal karena kerja ginjal semakin berat.
Sebenarnya, apabila kita sakit (co: flu) tanpa pergi kedokter maupun minum obat pun kita dapat sembuh. Ini disebabkan karena setiap manusia memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh, dengan demikian flu dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya.
Obat dapat membahayakan kita apabila kita tidak tepat dalam penggunaannya.
Beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengkonsumsi obat adalah:
  1. Perhatikan kemasan, periksa nama produk, bahan yang terkandung, aturan pemakaian, peringatan.
  2. Pastikan bahwa obat tersebut memiliki izin edar dengan pencantuman nomor registrasi dari badan POM
  3. Teliti kadaluarsa obat tersebut
  4. Perhatikan kontradiksi
  5. Pahami efek sampingnya

sumber: obat itu racun (Zulkifli)


naskah drama bahasa inggris "RORO MENDHUT"

as the sun began to smile in the morning, was a beautiful girl walking
towardhe river, she was named Roro mendhut. according to the people around, Roro Mendhut figure girl kind, gentle, beautiful and obedient to his parents. in the river, she was washing her humming a song with a sweet

Roro mendhut : [washing clothes in the river while singing]

Prana citra : [to hear someone sing, she was looking lovely voice.]"beautiful voice" [peeking from behind a bush, and he had found a beautiful girl was washing clothes while singing] "pretty girl.what's his name? "

Roro mendhut : [finished washing, going home]PranaCitra : [roromendhut followed, walking slowly, suddenly stumble]"awww ...." [hiding behind a bush]

Rara mendhut : [looking back] "like someone was following me. Ahh .... maybe it was just a feeling"

PranaCitra : [peeking from the bushes, lost track roromendhut]"ah .... damn !!!!!! I lost my girl" [tried to stand] "awww,,,"[falls down again] "one day I will find my beautiful girl"

after washing, she got word that his father could not pay the debt to Tumenggung roro Wiraguna so even as collateral and will be made Tumenggung wife.

In a house owned by Tumenggung.

Tumenggung : "Roro, your father has agreed when you will marry me as your father could not pay off their debts to me.

Roro Mendut : "I would not want to marry a cruel man like you"Tumenggung : "do not be so later cantikku.bila girl you marry me all the gardens here yours".[stood holding cheek roro]

Roro Mendhut : [aside Tumenggung hand, go left Tumenggung] "I hate you"

Tumenggung : "hahhaahaha ..... you'll be my wife Roro"

Roro had left home Tumenggung.Roromendhut decided to sell cigarettes. because of her beauty that attracted many young people to buy cigarettes Roro high prices.until one day the image Prana knows Roro existence of youth around the village.

Pemuda1 : how much is a pack of cigarettes a pretty girl?

Roro : you only have 100,000

pemuda1 : wowww .... very expensive,, my beautiful??pemuda2 : ok, I'll buy your cigarettes all. how??

Roro : a total of 1jt.the boys left Roro. after a long walk was suddenly a handsome man approached them.

pranaCitra : cigarette seller who at the end of the street?

pemuda 1 : you do not know who he is??

pemuda2 : hahahahaha ....... he's the most beautiful girl in the village.

pranacitra : sorry,,I just arrived in this village yesterday,,

pemuda 1 : his name is Raramendhut. girl of my dreams.

pemuda 2 : Roro will chose to be her husband. not you.! [they fight to get roromendhut]

pranacitra left them and went looking for Roromendut.whereas pemuda2 Tumenggung ran to the house to report roromendut activities.

pemuda2 : Tumenggung,, Roro mendhut now selling cigarettes to settle their debts to Tumenggung.

Tumenggung : [angry] What? where Roromendhut selling cigarettes?? tell me quick!pemuda2 : [scared] at the end of the road to the plantation.

Tumenggung : ok I'll look and I immediately made a wife.

pemuda2 : do not .. please ... please do not ... [beg to god to make Tumenggung roromendhut not be his wife.]

pranacitra not desperate to find Roromendhut and always call roromendhut name. until pranacitra fatigue. He rested under a tree and suddenly he saw a pretty girl in front. the girl is roromendhut.

pranacitra : Who are you?

roromendhut : my name is raramendhut.

pranacitra : Are you sure??

roromendhut : yes, why are you sleeping here? Who are you?

pranacitra : thank god .. finally I can find roromendhut. my name is pranacitra. I long for you my beautiful girl.

with the passage of time, eventually roromendhut with pranacitra lovers. their affair clandestinely from Tumenggung. they have a good idea to keep always together. but unfortunately, their relationship Pemuda2 know. with quickly pemuda2 Tumenggung came home to report roromendhut deeds. he ran keruma Tumenggung, and he saw tumenngung was drinking a cup of coffee.

pemuda2 : Tumenggung, I have bad news. [stuttering]

Tumenggung : What do you mean bad news?? pemuda2 : hmm ... raramendhut has pranacitra affair with.

Tumenggung : [angry] What?? Are you sure?

pemuda2 : yes Tumenggung. I saw they were talking under the trees at the end of the road.

Tumenggung and left his house to the place roromendhut. Tumenggung sanga angry at roromendhut with pranacitra.

Tumenggung : [interesting hand roromendhut] let's go with me!

pranacitra : [angry] do not!! want you to take my future wife??

raramendut : kangmass ... kangmass ... please release me.

pranacitra : [removing his hand roromendhut] he's mine!

Tumenggung : [takes the sword and the Tap to roromendhut block pranacitra but, ultimately owned by the sword pierced raramendhut Tumenggung]

pranacitra : dear ... wake up! [Crying] [and then took the sword's pranacitra Tumenggung and stab himself in the stomach]

Tumenggung : why are all dead. [Crying] [takes the sword and stabbed himself]

eventually all three of them died. It's all because of love.



menjaga kesehatan rambut

hmmm,, bagi sebagian cewek rambut merupakan "mahkota" baginya..
itu sebabnya banyak cwek" yang sangat memperhatikan kesehatan rambutnya..
tpi da juga yang mengalami kesulitan untuk merawat rambut..

ini beberapa tips yang saya tau untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut:

PERTAMA,,bersihkan rambut secara teratur [keramas] pastikan sampo yang di pakai sesuai dengan tipe rambut kita agar debu yang da di kulit kepala hilang. debu" yang menumpuk di kulit kepala dapat menyebabkan ketombe.

KEDUA,, gunakanlah condisioner [memiliki kandungan moisturize]. condisioner ini akan membantu melembabkan kulit kepala.

KETIGA,, jangan terlalu sering bermain dengan catok ataupun hairdryer. ini dapat menybabkan rambut kering dan bercabang.

KEEMAT,,gunakanlah sisir yang baik,pilihlah sisir yang rapat [seperti sikat]
agar minyak dikulit kepala dpt sampai di ujung rambut.

KELIMA,, jangan memakai sisir sasak.. karna dapat menybabkan rambut bercabang.potonglah rambut yang mulai bercabang [menghilangkan cabang]
agar tidak semakin parah cababgnya.

KEENAM,, jangan sering berganti-ganti sampo.

trimakasih untuk sumber yang telah memberi saya pengetahuan tentang kesehatan rambut..

semoga bermanfaat..:D
